University of Lima’s journals portal
The University of Lima’s journals portal (Journals Portal - Ulima) is an open-access electronic repository of an academic and institutional nature, which aims to organize, preserve, disseminate and internationalize intellectual output arising from research carried out by the different journals of our university. With this portal, we seek to promote the free dissemination of scientific output and ongoing exchange of knowledge.
Here readers will find full-text research and outreach articles relating to humanities, sciences and technologies, written by researchers, professors and students from the different academic areas of our university, and by other Peruvian and foreign specialists.
Thus, the University of Lima is, once again, at the forefront of the educational institutions aiming to promote the comprehensive development of the Peruvian society; harnesses technologies to disseminate knowledge; and makes scientific and intellectual output more accessible to the community in general.
ISSN: 1996-4773 (Impreso) / 2523-6261 (Electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/advocatus
Advocatus, Journal of the students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lima, is published every six months with varied legal content. The dynamism and diversity of the Law are adequately reflected and systematically compiled to allow the reader to access the doctrine of the different specialties of Law.
Agenda Viva
ISSN: 2519-7215 (Electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/
The journal Agenda Viva seeks to promote the exchange of information, analysis and discussion on environmental management and its interaction with the social, economic, political, technological and cultural. The articles of this journal are diverse, from those that are the result of academic research, to the reporting of good practices in environmental management, whether from the private, public or social sectors. We will inform about what we do from the University and the Center of Studies for Sustainable Development, CEDS, at the same time that we will seek to publicize the largest number of activities and efforts that seek the best environmental management.
ISSN: 1991-0894 (Impreso) / 1991-5411 (electrónico) DOI: 10.26439/athina
Athina is a student journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lima, which is published every six months, with the support of its members and the most prominent jurists of the country. With more than ten years of experience, its compilations have become one of the favorites of the readers of the Peruvian legal community.
Comunica360° es una revista de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Lima. Su objetivo es facilitar el intercambio de conocimiento mediante la difusión de experiencias vinculadas a la comunicación aplicada. A través de la revista se difunden artículos relacionados con el análisis y evaluación de experiencias comunicativas en diversos ámbitos, tales como el social, comercial, corporativo o político y de cómo la investigación en comunicación ayudó a resolver un problema en particular. Se busca establecer un espacio donde se pueda reflexionar sobre el quehacer cotidiano del comunicador y la forma en que aborda diferentes retos y problemas. En esa línea, se promueve la publicación de artículos, en coautoría, entre personas vinculadas al mundo académico y aquellas relacionadas con el ámbito institucional/empresarial de la comunicación y actividades conexas.
ISSN: 1025-9945 (print); 1993-4904 (electronic); DOI: 10.26439/contratexto
Contratexto is a biannual, peer-reviewed, academic journal focused on the field of communication and related areas. It has been an open-access publication edited by the University of Lima’s Faculty of Communication since 1985. It is intended for students, academics, researchers and professionals specialized in communication, social sciences and humanities. It is indexed in Scopus, Scielo Perú, Redalyc, ERIH PLUS, Latindex, Dialnet, DOAJ, REBIUN, OEI, MIAR, ALICIA, EBSCO and it is recorded in Ulrich's. Authors are not required to pay an article processing charge (APC, and volunteer peer reviewers are not paid. The works submitted by the authors may be research articles, essays, case studies and bibliographic reviews. Journal topics may be specific, such as those in the Dosier (Dossier) section of each issue, or aimed at studying several aspects of communication, like those included in the Tendencias (Trends) section.
Desafíos: Economía y Empresa
Desafíos: Economía y Empresa es una publicación académica de acceso abierto y periodicidad semestral que tiene como objetivo central difundir los resultados de investigaciones en el área de las ciencias económicas y empresariales. La revista se enfoca en investigaciones relacionadas con las ciencias económicas y empresariales a nivel teórico o empírico, cualitativo o cuantitativo, micro o macro, retrospectivo o prospectivo. Sin que ello sea excluyente respecto de otro tipo de estudios, se da prioridad a aquellos enfocados en los desafíos del desarrollo económico y empresarial de los países. La revista está dirigida a investigadores, docentes, estudiantes y profesionales de las ciencias económicas y empresariales.
En Líneas Generales
ISSN: 2616-6658 (Electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/en.lineas.generales
“En Líneas Generales” journal is an open-access online academic publication edited quarterly (July and December) by the Universidad de Lima’s General Studies Program. This journal targets researchers, academia and professionals of social sciences, humanities and mathematics. It also publishes top-notch articles and essays in a wide array of fields such as history, art, literature, philosophy, social sciences and math – including Number Theory and Dynamic Geometry, among others. Every single article and essay are subject to a thorough arbitration process in order to ensure top academic quality and excellence.
Ingeniería Industrial
ISSN: 1025-9929 (Print) / 2523-6326 (Electronic); DOI: 10.26439/ing.ind
Since 1992, the journal Ingeniería Industrial has as its main objective to disseminate the results of research, as well as provide technical and scientific information related to this branch of engineering. It is aimed at entrepreneurs from all productive sectors, teachers and students of the specialty. The Industrial Engineering Journal is indexed in Dialnet, DOAJ, Latindex, MIAR, Redalyc, ROAD, SciELO and Ulrich.
ISSN: 1993-4912 (Electronic); DOI: 10.26439/interfases
Interfases is a digital journal, managed by the Universidad de Lima, aimed for publishing original research works in topics related to computer science, software engineering, information systems, information technologies, cybersecurity, data science, and similar areas. Scientific articles and research advances are published, as long as they comply with the peer review process. Interfases is indexed in Redalyc, CrossRef, Dialnet, Latindex y DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals, and is published twice a year, the first in July and the second in December. However, as of July 2021, individual manuscripts will be published as soon as they are ready, progressively adding them to the content of the current edition in continuous publication mode. Articles in continuous publication follow the peer review process, and can already be cited using the year of publication and DOI.
Please see our guide for authors, as well as the editorial process, for information regarding the article submission. If you need further information or assistance, please contact us.
Ius et Praxis
ISSN: 1027-8168 (Impreso) / 2523-6296 (Electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/iusetpraxis
Throughout its thirty-two years of existence, fifty-eigth issues have been published, in which research, essays, articles, commentaries, summaries of theses and reviews on topics related to the different branches of the regulations have been published. legal, both from the perspective of the doctrine and the casuistry jurisprudential.
ISSN: 1025-9902 (impreso) /2523-6318 (Electrónico)
From its birth, in 1980, Lienzo radiated a multicultural dimension that combined academic studies with poetic creation, the plastic arts with the narrative ministry. This second period begins with the double number 32-33, the entity of the magazine continues with slight variations: in addition to small changes in format and graphic aspects, the magazine opens its pages to other themes and skills such as education, theater, chronicle and dialogue. The Lienzo Magazine is registered in Ulrich's.
ISSN: 2410-6127 (Print) / 2523-630X (Online); DOI: 10.26439/limaq
LIMAQ, the journal of the School of Architecture of Universidad de Lima, aims to promote and disseminate research and reflection on topics related to architectural design and the city, and is directed to academic and professional audiences. It is a biannual publication (May-November) resulting from Thematic Calls and a Permanent Call. It has an Editorial and Scientific Committee comprised of distinguished national and international academics.
ISSN: 1560-6139 (Impreso); 2309-9062 (Electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/persona
Revista académica de periodicidad semestral editada por la Carrera de Psicología de la Universidad de Lima y publicada por el Fondo Editorial de la Universidad, con énfasis en el campo de la psicología, dirigida a profesionales y académicos de las ciencias de la conducta. Su objetivo es ser un foro amplio, crítico y plural donde se considere estudios teóricos y de carácter metodológico, reportes de investigación y revisiones de literatura referidos a la psicología como disciplina y como profesión. Promueve una visión amplia de la disciplina psicológica en la cual los diversos enfoques teóricos y las distintas ramas aplicadas de la psicología puedan encontrar un espacio de expresión. La Revista Persona se encuentra indexada en Latindex, Dialnet, Redalyc, Psicodoc y registrada en el directorio Ulrich's.
Peruvian Journal of Management (PJM)
Peruvian Journal of Management (PJM) es la revista científica de acceso abierto diamante de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad de Lima. Se trata de una publicación arbitrada y de periodicidad semestral. PJM cuenta con un proceso de aceptación de preprints y, a partir del segundo número, se implementará la publicación continua. La revista acepta artículos originales y de revisión en áreas como administración, economía, contabilidad, gestión de organizaciones y disciplinas afines. Está dirigida a autores tanto nacionales como internacionales interesados en la teoría y práctica de estos campos disciplinarios, con el propósito de liderar la difusión de conocimiento científico que contribuya a una toma de decisiones estratégica, innovadora y sostenible en el sector empresarial. La PJM sigue las recomendaciones del Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) y los Principios de Transparencia y Mejores Prácticas en la Publicación Académica (DOAJ) para garantizar la calidad e integridad en nuestras publicaciones.
Pie de Página
ISSN: 2788-5585 (Electrónico)
Pie de Página, publicación del Programa de Estudios Generales de la Universidad de Lima, analiza lo que sucede en Perú y en el mundo desde la literatura, la sociología, la historia, la economía, la filosofía, la comunicación, la psicología, el derecho, la arquitectura, las matemáticas, el arte y en general, desde todos los temas que se desarrollan en el Programa. A través de estos apuntes, los docentes muestran que la formación universitaria sólida se fortalece con el vivo interés de los maestros y de sus alumnos por lo que ocurre en la ciudad, en el país y en el mundo.
Un Vicio Absurdo
ISSN: 1815-5847 (Impreso); 2523-627X (Electrónico)
Un vicio absurdo appears as a space for creation, reflection and dialogue of the narrative and poetry workshops of the Welfare Department of the University of Lima. The spirit of the magazine seeks to be spontaneous and with a vital and youthful air. It contains interviews, reports and includes stories and poems that win the floral games. Each edition of the magazine seeks to honor a writer.
Ventana Indiscreta
ISSN: 2073-2759 (impreso), 2523-6245 (electrónico); DOI: 10.26439/vent.indiscreta
Ventana Indiscreta is a semi-annual and monographic publication, each edition of the magazine is dedicated to a current theme of local and global cinematography. The most important film critics of the country, in addition to numerous foreign collaborators, contribute articles, essays and interviews that auscultate the beats of the seventh art today.
Actas del Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas
ISSN: 2810-806X (En línea)
The International Congress of Systems Engineering (CIIS), organized annually by the Systems Engineering program within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Lima, serves as a participatory platform with global reach. It focuses on exploring themes related to emerging technologies, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and research in fields such as information systems, information technology, software engineering, computer science, and allied disciplines. This publication compiles the contributions from participants of each annual edition.