Guide for authors

Manuscript submission

To submit the files for each manuscript, it is necessary to register (or log in) on the EasyChair platform. Please click on the provided Submission link and follow the respective instructions.

Author Guidelines

Take into account the following points:

  • Papers should be at most fifteen (15) pages in length for complete research works and ten (10) pages in length for research works in progress, including references.
  • All submitted manuscripts follow the same process. Once the Program Chair verifies that the content of the manuscript fits within the scope of Interfases, it will undergo a peer review process. This process (composed of one or two review rounds) takes approximately 2-3 months.
  • Papers should be original, novel and unpublished. Furthermore, avoid proposing this paper in other journals or academic congresses simultaneously.
  • Papers should not include the name of the author or any other type of personal information to preserve his/her anonymity.
  • The submitted papers will be evaluated anonymously by the review committee designated for CIIS. The author will be notified of the review committee's decision on the date indicated.

Plagiarism detection

At the Actas del CIIS, our commitment is to promote originality and academic integrity. We use Turnitin to verify the originality of submitted articles, storing the texts in its database. The similarity reports generated by Turnitin are considered during the review process, taking appropriate measures in case of plagiarism. The entire process is handled confidentially, known only by the editorial committee.

Regarding the content of the manuscripts

Title page

The title page should include:
  • A concise and informative title (up to 30 words)
  • Authors' full names, including institutional affiliation, email address and ORCiD identifier.
  • An abstract of 200-250 words. The abstract should indicate the nature and contribution of the study. Undefined acronyms, mathematical equations, or bibliographic references in the text of the abstract must be avoided.
  • A list of keywords (3-5) separated by commas. Keywords should be taken from the IEEE Computer Society taxonomy:


Submitted manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), and we suggest using the Interfases official template link.

When writing the manuscript, use the automatic numbering option to number the pages. Please avoid using field functions. Use the table function instead of embeded spreadsheets. If you are writing your manuscript in Microsoft Word, use the equation editor or MathType for the equations.


Tables are one of the core elements of the new findings reported in science, therefore, authors are encouraged to include tables considered strictly necessary. All tables are listed using Arabic numbers (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, ...) and include a title prompting the relevance of the data presented. Tables are mentioned in order of appearance in the manuscript. In addition to the number, title and data, tables may include a short Note detailing the source, as well as additional explanations not included in the manuscript. 

Tables, diagrams or flowcharts should be editable and preferably created in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator.


Images or photographs should be followed by *.jpg or *.png suffixes and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 190 mm. Texts in figures should be grammatically correct and legible for the reader.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Use abbreviations and acronyms only when necessary to improve the manuscript readability. Each abbreviation or acronym should be defined at the first mention.

Biography data

Only for manuscripts accepted for publication. Please, provide a brief biography of each author, which will be included at the end of the manuscript.


Remember the conclusions are not the narrative and textual version of the tables included in the Results section. Instead, the conclusions summarize and synthesize the main arguments of the article. The conclusions are drawn from the findings and provide a suitable answer to the research question. In addition, the conclusions include the limitations of the study and suggest further research questions and applications for future studies.


Citations and references should be indicated in accordance with APA standards. Thereby, references listed at the end of the publication shall be described in the following format:


  • Author(s) surname, initial(s). (Year). Book title (italics), (edition). Place: Publisher name.

Journal articles or book chapters:

  • Author(s) surname, initial(s). (Year). Article title or chapter title. Journal or Book (italics), journal number (italics), pages.


  • Author(s) surname, initial(s). (Year). E-Book Title (italics). Retrieved from  http://... (URL)

Electronic journal articles:

  • Author(s) surname, initial(s). (Year). Article title. Journal name (italics), pages. Retrieved from  http://... (URL)

Conference proceeedings:

  • Author(s) surname, initial(s). (Year, X[day], Y[month]). Article title (italics). In proceedings of [Conference name], pages. Retrieved from  http://... (URL)

Make sure not to include in-text citations whose source is not listed in the reference section and list references that are not cited in the paper.

Supplementary material

Authors may include text files (including tables or figures) and spreadsheets as supplementary material. However, as research data, it is recommended to archive them in data repositories. For software code, authors can use platforms such as GitHub or similar.