Editorial process
Refereeing system: In a first phase, the Editor-in-Chief, in coordination with the Editorial Committee, verifies the suitability of the article with the journal's objective. A general evaluation of the quality of the content is also carried out. If the first phase is passed, the article is sent to two expert reviewers (external evaluators) to give their opinion on the article based on the "Reviewer's Report" format. If the review reports are unfavourable, the article will not be published. In the event that publication is recommended, but subject to revisions, the author must first resolve the observations in order to be considered for publication, which will be subject to the approval of the Editorial Committee. In each case the author will be informed of the decision.
Frequency of publication: The journal is published biannually covering the periods January-June and July-December.
Review and publication charges: The journal does not require authors to pay any fee for the review and publication of their articles.
Maximum decision period: The journal undertakes to give a final decision on the publication of articles no later than 6 months from the date of submission.
Publishing entity: Universidad de Lima. Address: Av. Javier Prado 4600, Urb. Fundo de Monterrico Chico, Dist. Santiago de Surco, Lima, Peru. Postal code: 15023. E-mail: Ddee@ulima.edu.pe.
Open access and licensing policy: This journal provides the public with free and open access to all its content in order to encourage the global and free exchange of knowledge. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) licence.