Editorial ethics
Code of ethics: The journal adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) "Guidelines on Good Publication Practice" in terms of the responsibilities and procedures for good research conduct.
Access, use and reuse policies: The journal is open access. Creative Commons CC-BY licences are applied to articles under the following conditions: i) Attribution: Reference must be made to the original author and source, ii) Non-derivative: The content may be freely shared, but not modified, iii) Non-commercial: It must not be used for profit. Thus, authors are free to reuse the PDF version of their published article including depositing it in research portals, personal web pages, institutional repositories, etc.
Anti-plagiarism policy: Articles will go through a plagiarism detection process using the Turnitin system. If plagiarism is detected, the author will be informed and explanations will be requested within a maximum period of 10 days. Then, as appropriate, we will proceed to inform the relevant body of the institution to which the author belongs.
Declaration of conflict of interest: Authors must declare whether there is any conflict of interest in their research. If any person or institution has funded the research, this should be stated in a footnote associated with the title of the article (e.g., "This research was funded by ...").
Corrections and retractions: If the author finds an error in his/her published work, he/she is obliged to inform the Editor of the journal in order to carry out the corresponding correction or retraction process.
Digital preservation policy: The journal uses the LOCKSS system to allow the creation of permanent archives for preservation and restoration purposes. Also, all journal articles are deposited in the Repository of the University of Lima.