Pruebas de cifrado asimétrico en un Laboratorio de Hacking Sostenible

Palabras clave: asymmetric encryption, sustainable hacking lab, satellite communications, RODOS


The Aerospace Information Technology Department (Computer Science VIII) at University of Würzburg explores many facets of aerospace systems, including secure telemetry and telecommand systems. Because satellites are expensive and indispensable, thorough protection and security research is necessary. Security algorithms are often processor-intensive, which can deprive payload applications of valuable execution cycles and even system power, thus making proper algorithm selection essential. A mechanism for execution and analysis on devices of similar capability to hardware systems used in space applications is essential for proper algorithm selection. This paper shows that it is possible to create an inexpensive and sustainable lab to efficiently and correctly test encryption algorithms and protocols using discarded tablet computers and inexpensive single-board computers. The lab constructed began by evaluating three public encryption key algorithms to assess computational space and time requirements. The three algorithms include an implementation of prime number-based Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and two elliptic-curve cryptography-based key-exchange implementations. The initial results for the three algorithms show RSA memory requirements are not substantially different from the elliptic curve algorithms, but running times are comparatively slower. The first elliptic curve cryptography algorithm has moderate run time and space requirements, while the second one shows an improved run time but requires more space. This study reveals that testing algorithms using affordable lab devices can provide useful performance related data.


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Biografía del autor/a

Michael Dorin, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. USA

Cuenta con un Ph. D. en Ciencias de la Computación por la Universidad de Wurzburg. Tiene más de 30 años de experiencia en desarrollo de software y ha trabajado en diversos entornos de ingeniería. Su experiencia incluye trabajos en ingeniería relacionados con comunicaciones de seguridad pública, dispositivos médicos (marcapasos), telefonía y navegación de aeronaves.

Sergio Montenegro, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg Germany

Cuenta con un doctorado y una maestría en Ciencias de la Computación por la Universidad Técnica de Berlín. Ha estado programando satélites durante los últimos 20 años. Actualmente, es profesor de tecnología de la información aeroespacial en la Universidad de Würzburg (Alemania).


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Cómo citar
Dorin, M., & Montenegro, S. (2024). Pruebas de cifrado asimétrico en un Laboratorio de Hacking Sostenible. Interfases, (019), 77-94.
Artículos de investigación