Desarrollo de la literatura de entrenamiento individual y de equipo
Este artículo proporciona una breve revisión de la literatura sobre entrenamiento, rubro que representa uno de los mayores gastos de una organización empresarial. El resultado de nuestra revisión sugiere que se ha realizado un gran avance que nos ayuda a entender el diseño, el desarrollo y el impacto del entrenamiento. En este documento presentamos algunos de los más recientes descubrimientos encontrados en la bibliografía sobre entrenamiento, incluyendo una discusión sobre las condiciones bajo las cuales este permite el máximo rendimiento.
Aguinis, H. & Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 451–474.
Arbaugh, J. B. (2000). Virtual classroom characteristics and student satisfaction in Internet-based MBA courses. Journal of Management Education, 24(1), 32-54.
Arthur Jr., W.; Bennett Jr., W.; Edens, P. S.; & Bell, S. T. (2003). Effectiveness of training in organizations: A meta-analysis of design and evaluation features. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 234– 245.
Baldwin, T. T. & Ford, J. K. (1988). Transfer of training: A review and directions for future research. Personnel Psychology, 41, 63-105.
Balkin, D. & Richebé, N. (2007). A gift exchange perspective on organizational training. Human Resource Management Review, 17(1), 52-62.
Bandura, A. (1968). Social learning theory of identificatory processes. En D. A. Glass (Eds.). Handbook of socialization theory and research. Chicago: Rand McNally.
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Birdi, K.; Clegg, C.; Patterson, M.; Robinson, A.; Stride, C. B.; Wall, T. D. & Wood, S. J. (2008). The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity: A longitudinal study. Personnel Psychology, 61 (3), 467-501.
Blickensderfer, E.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Salas, E. (1998). Cross-training and team performance. En Making decisions under stress: Implications for individual and team training (pp. 229-311). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Blickensderfer, E. L.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Salas, E. (1997, abril). Training teams to self-correct: An empirical investigation. Ponencia presentada en la 12. a conferencia anual de la Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, St. Louis, MO.
Buller, P. F. (1986). The team buildingtask performance relation: Some conceptual and methodological refinements. Group and Organization Studies, 11, 147-168.
Burke, C. S.; Stagl, K. C.; Salas, E.; Pierce, L. & Kendall, D. (2006). Understanding team adaptation: A conceptual analysis and model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1189-1207.
Campbell, J. P. (1971). Personnel training and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 22, 565-602.
Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2008). Recent advances in scenario-based training for medical education. Current Opinions Anaesthesiologist, 21, 784-789.
Cannon-Bowers, J. A.; Burns, J. J.; Salas, E. & Pruitt, J. S. (1998). Advances technology in scenariobased training. En J. A. CannonBowers& E. Salas (Eds.). Making decision under stress: Implication for individual and team training (pp. 365-374). Washington, DC: APA.
Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Salas, E. (1997). Teamwork competencies: The interaction of team member knowledge, skills, and attitudes. En O.F. O’Neil (Eds.). Workforces readiness: Competencies and assessment (pp. 151-174). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Cannon-Bowers, J. A.; Salas, E. & Converse, S. (1993). Shared mental models in expert team decision making. En Individual and group decision making: Current issues (pp. 221-246). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Cannon-Bowers, I. A.; Tannenbaum, S. I.; Salas, E. & Volpe, C. E. (1995). Defining team competencies and establishing team training requirements. En R. Guzzo & E. Salas (Eds.). Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations (pp. 333-380). San Francisco: JosseyBass.
Cascio, W. F. & Aguinis, H. (2009). Research in industrial and organizational psychology from 1963 to 2007: Changes, choices, and trends. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(5), 1062-1081.
Chiaburu, D. S. & Marinova, S. V. (2005). What predictsskill transfer?An exploratory study of goal orientation, training self-efficacy and organizational supports. International Jouranl of Training and Development, 9, 110- 123.
Colquitt, J. A.; LePine, J. A. & Noe, R. A. (2000). Toward an integrative theory of training motivation: A meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 678-707.
Debowski, S.; Wood, R. E. & Bandura, A. (2001). Impact of guided exploration and enactive exploration on self-regulatory mechanisms and information acquisition through electronic search. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 1129-1141.
Driskell, J. E. & Salas, E. (1992). Collective behavior and team performance. Human Factors, 34, 277- 288.
Driskell, J. E. & Salas, E. (1997). Collective behavior and team performance. En D. F. Russ-Eft & H. S. Preskill (Eds.). Human resource development review: Research and implications (pp. 206-222). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Duncan, P. C.; Rouse, W. B.; Johnston, J.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A.; Salas, E. & Burns, J. J. (1996). Training teams working in complex systems: a mental model-based approach. Human/Technology Interaction in Complex Systems, 8, 173-231.
Fisher, S. L. & Ford, J. K. (1998). Differential effects of learner effort and goal orientation on two learning outcomes. Personnel Psychology, 51, 397-420.
Fleishman, E. A. & Mumford, M. D. (1989). Individual attributes and training performance. En I. L. Goldstein (Ed.). Training and development in organizations (pp. 183- 255). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Fleishman, E. A., & Zaccaro, S. J. (1992). Toward a taxonomy of team performance functions. En R. W. Swezey & E. Salas (Eds.), Teams: Their training and performance (pp. 31-56). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Ford, J. E., Kozlowski, W. J.; Kraiger, K.; Salas, E. & Teachout, M. S. (Eds.). (1997). Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ford, J. K.; Smith, E. M.; Weissbein, D. A.; Gully, S. M. & Salas, E. (1998). Relationships of goal orientation, metacognitive activity, and practice strategies with learning outcomes and transfer. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 218-233.
Gaba, D.; Howard, S. & Small, S. (1995). Situation awareness in anesthesiology. Human Factors, 37(1), 20-31.
Gist, M. E.; Stevens, C. K. & Bavetta, A. G. (1991). Effects of self-efficacy and post-training intervention on the acquisition and maintenance of complex interpersonal skills. Personnel Psychology, 44, 837-861.
Goldstein, I. L. (1993). Training in organizations: Needs assessment, development and evaluation (3. a ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks Publishing.
Goldstein, I. L. & Ford, J. K. (2002). Training in organizations: Needs assessment, development, and evaluation (4. a ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Gully, S. M.; Payne, S. C.; Koles, K. L. K. & Whiteman, J. A. K. (2002). The impact of error training and individual differences on training outcomes: An attribute-treatment interaction perspective. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 87, 143-155.
Hackman, J. R. (1990). Groups that work (and those that don’t): Creating conditions for effective teamwork. San Francisco: JosseyBass.
Helmreich, R. L.; Foushee, H.C. (1993). Why crew resource management? Empirical and theoretical bases of human factors training in aviation. En E. Wiener, B. Kanki, & R. Helmreich, (Eds.). Cockpit resource management (pp. 3-45). San Diego: Academic Press.
Inman, R. R.; Blumenfeld, E. D. & Ko, A. (2005). Cross-training hospital nurses to reduce staffing costs. Health Care Management Review, 30(2), 116-125.
Karl, K. A.; O’Leary-Kelly, A. M. & Martocchio, J. J. (1993). The impact of feedback and self-efficacy on performance in training. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14, 379- 394.
Keith, N. & Frese, M. (2008). Effectiveness of error management training: A metaanalysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 59-69.
Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1976). Evaluation of training. EnR. L.Craig (Ed.). Training and Development Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development (2. a ed.). Nueva York: McGraw-Hill.
Kirschner, P. A.; Sweller, J. & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41, 75-86.
Klein, C.; DiazGranados, D.; Salas, E.; Le, H.; Burke, C. S.; Lyons, R. & Goodwin, G. F. (2009). Does team building work? Small Group Research, 40, 181-222.
Klimoski, R. & Mohammed, S. (1994). Team mental model: Construct of metaphor? Journal of Management, 20(2), 403-437.
Kozlowski, S. W. J. & Bell, B. S. (2006). Disentangling achievement orientation and goal setting: Effects on self-regulatory processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 900-916.
Kozlowski, S. W. J.; Brown, K. G.; Weissbein, D. A.; Cannon-Bowers, J. & Salas, E. (2000). A multilevel perspective on training effectiveness: Enhancing horizontal and vertical transfer. En K. J. Klein & S. W. J. Kozlowski (Eds.). Multilevel theory research, and methods in organizations (pp. 157-210). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kozlowski, S. W. J. & E. Salas (1997). A Multilevel Organizational Systems Approach for the Implementation and Transfer of Training. En J. K. Ford (Ed.). Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kraiger, K.; Ford, J. K. & Salas, E. (1993). Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 311-328.
Lambooij, M.; Flache, A.; Sanders, K. & Siegers, J. (2007). Encouraging employees to cooperate: The effects of sponsored training and promotion practices on employees’ willingness to work overtime. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (10), 1748-1767.
Lim, D. H. & Johnson, S. D. (2002). Trainee perceptions of factors that influence learning transfer. International Journal of Training and Development, 6 (1), 36-48.
Martocchio, J. J. & Judge, T. A. (1997). Relationships between conscientiousness and learning in employee training: Mediating influences of self-deception and self-efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 764-773.
Mathieu, J. E.; Heffner, T. S.; Goodwin, G. F.; Salas, E. & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2000). The influence of shared mental models on team process and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 273-283.
Mathieu, J. E.; Tannenbaum, S. I. & Salas, E. (1992). The influences of individual and situational characteristics on measures of training effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 35, 828-847.
Mclntyre, R. M. & Salas, E. (1995). Measuring and managing for team performance: Emerging principles from complex environments. En R. Guzzo & E. Salas (Eds.). Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations (pp. 149-203). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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Mohammed, S. & Dumville, B. C. (2001). Team mental modelsin a team knowledge framework: expanding theory and measurement across disciplinary boundaries. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 89-106.
Morgan, R. B. & Casper, W. J. (2000). Examining the factor structure of participant reactions to training: A multidimensional approch. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11, 301-317.
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O’Connor, P.; Campbell, J.; Newon, J.; Melton, J.; Salas, E. & Wilson, K. A. (2008). Crew resource management training effectiveness: A meta-analysis and some critical needs. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 18(4), 353-368.
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Prince, C. & Salas, E. (1999). Team processes and their training in aviation. En D. Garland, J. Wise & D. Hopkins (Eds.). Handbook of aviation human factors (pp. 193-213). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
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Rosen, M. A.; Salas, E.; Wu, T. S.; Silvestri, S.; Lazzara, E. H.; Lyons, R.; Weaver, S. J. & King, H. B. (2008). Promoting teamwork: An event-based approach to simulation-based teamwork training for emergency medicine residents. Academic Emergency Medicine, 15, 1-9.
Salas, E.; Bowers, C. A. & CannonBowers, J. A. (1995). Military team research: Ten years of progress. Military Psychology, 7, 55-75.
Salas, E. & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2001). The science of training: A decade of progress. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 471-99.
Salas, E.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Johnson, J. H. (1998). Lessons learned form conducting the TADMUS program: Balancing science, practice and more. En J. A. CannonBowers & E.
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Salas, E.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Smith-Jentsch, K. A. (2001). Principles and strategies for team training. En W. Karwowski (Ed.). International encyclopedia of ergonomics and human factors, Vol. 2, pp. 1296-1298. Taylor & Francis.
Salas, E.; DiazGranados, D.; Klein, C.; Burke, C. S.; Stagl, K. C.; Goodwin, G. F. & Halpin, S. M. (2008). Does team training improve team performance? A meta-analysis. Human Factors, 50, 903-933.
Salas, E.; Nichols, D. R. & Driskell, J. E. (2007). Testing three team training strategies in intact teams: A metaanalysis. Small Group Research, 38, 47-188.
Salas, E.; Priest, H. A.; Wilson, K. A. & Burke, C. S. (2006). Scenario based training: Improving military mission performance and adaptability. En A. B. Adler; C. A. Castro; T. W. Britt (Eds). Military life: The psychology of serving in peace and combat (pp. 32-53). Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.
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Salas, E.; Sims, D. E. & Burke, C. S. (2005). Is there a “big five” in teamwork? Small Group Research , 36, 555-599.
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Stout, R.; Cannon-Bowers, J. A. & Salas, E. (1996). The role of shared mental models in developing team situation awareness: Implications for training. Training Research Journal, 2, 85-116.
Tannenbaum, S. I.; Salas, E. & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (1996). Promoting team effectiveness. En M. West (Ed.). Handbook of work group psychology (pp. 503-529). Sussex, England: Wiley.
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Towler, A. J. & Dipboye, R. L. (2001). Effects of trainer expressiveness, organization, and trainee goal orientation on training outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 664-673.
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Wilson, K. A.; Salas, E.; Priest, H. A. & Andrews, D. (2007). Errors in the heat of battle: Taking a closer look at shared cognition breakdowns through teamwork. Human Factors, 49(2), 243-256. 69
Wilson, K. A.; Salas, E.; Priest, H. A. & Andrews, D. (2007). Errors in the heat of battle: Taking a closer look at shared cognition breakdowns through teamwork. Human Factors, 49(2), 243-256.

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