UL-Keystroke: A Web-Based Keystroke
Dynamics Dataset

Aron Lo Li



Universidad de Lima

Juan Gutiérrez-Cárdenas



Universidad de Lima

Victor H. Ayma



Universidad del Pacífico

Received: March 13th, 2024 / Accepted: May 23rd, 2024

doi: https://doi.org/10.26439/interfases2024.n19.7009

ABSTRACT. Keystroke dynamics-based authentication systems identify individuals by analyzing their keystroke patterns when interacting with input devices such as a computer keyboard. Within the fields of Statistics and Machine Learning, several research studies have applied different techniques for recognizing keystroke patterns. This work proposes the creation of a dataset and a methodology that would allow users to capture typing patterns from students at a university in Lima, Peru, using a cloud environment and their personal devices. The cloud architecture used for the implementation and deployment of the web tool will be explained in detail. The result of this work is a dataset containing participant information, records of their keystroke patterns, and additional metadata from their web browsers, which could be used to enrich further studies. Moreover, in addition to the captured raw data, some keystroke dynamics features were generated and made available along with the dataset to facilitate the development of classification models. The dataset and methodology presented in this article can be used by other researchers to enhance existing keystroke dynamics recognition systems.

KEYWORDS: keystroke dynamics / machine learning / dataset

UL-Keystroke: un conjunto de datos de dinámica de teclado
basado en la web

RESUMEN. Los sistemas de autenticación basados en la dinámica de teclado identifican a las personas analizando sus patrones de tecleo cuando interactúan con dispositivos de entrada, como un teclado de computadora. En los campos de Estadística y Aprendizaje Automático, existen varios estudios de investigación que han aplicado diferentes técnicas para el reconocimiento de patrones de tecleo. En este trabajo, se propuso la creación de un conjunto de datos, así como una metodología que permitiría a los usuarios capturar patrones de tecleo de estudiantes pertenecientes a una universidad en Lima, Perú, a través de un entorno en la nube y desde sus propios dispositivos. La arquitectura en la nube utilizada para la implementación y despliegue de la herramienta web será explicada en detalle. El resultado de este trabajo es un conjunto de datos con información de los participantes, registros de sus patrones de tecleo y metadatos adicionales de los navegadores web de los participantes que podrían usarse para enriquecer futuros estudios. Además, junto con los datos sin procesar capturados, se generaron algunas características de la dinámica de tecleo y se pusieron a disposición junto con el conjunto de datos para facilitar la generación de modelos de clasificación. El conjunto de datos y la metodología presentados en este artículo pueden ser utilizados por otros investigadores para mejorar los sistemas de reconocimiento de dinámica de teclado actuales.

PALABRAS CLAVE: dinámica de teclado / aprendizaje automático / conjunto de datos


This article aims to comprehensively detail all aspects related to a dataset, encompassing the collection methodology, the analytical procedures conducted, the characteristics of the data, the value added by the creation of this dataset, and its potential limitations. These points will be discussed in the following sections.



Applied Machine Learning

Specific subject area

Keystroke Dynamics Authentication

Type of data

Raw data:

  • Records of keystroke patterns from college students (participants) and metadata of the students’ web browsers used to register the keystroke patterns.
  • List of participants along with their personal data, as well as the chosen username and password.

Processed data:

  • Time vectors generated from raw data.

Data collection

A web logging application, written in JavaScript, was implemented and deployed in a cloud environment. The participants were invited to cooperate virtually in the keystroke recording sessions using their own computers, where the application captured the timestamps of each pressed and released key when typing their login credentials.

The participants in each session were asked to perform three authentication cycles: one cycle involving the use of their own credentials and the remaining two using the credentials of randomly selected participants.

At the end of each session, the captured records were automatically sent to a server for storage in a non-relational database.

Data source location

Cloud-based collection (Heroku, MongoDB Atlas)

Data accessibility

Repository name: UL-Keystroke Dynamics Dataset

Data identification number (doi): 10.17632/9cg3c8jkh8.1

Direct URL to data: https://data.mendeley.com/preview/9cg3c8jkh8?a=f4e49f3e-b689-4b6c-95a3-3bf5207d1935

Related research article




In the field of automatic authentication, several works have focused extensively on generating keystroke dynamics models. However, it is also essential to have a dataset with relevant information about keystroke patterns to generate a high-quality authentication model. In the literature, there are only a few published datasets available for researchers (Giot et al., 2009; Killourhy et al., 2009). This work aims to provide the public with access to a keystroke dynamics dataset generated from a cloud-based web approach, as well as the methodology used to construct it. This will enable future researchers to understand how to generate their own keystroke dynamics datasets and serve as a reference for conducting their collection.


The dataset comprises a collection of keystroke samples from various participants who voluntarily took part in the data collection process (experiment). These samples were captured using a web application, implemented and deployed in a cloud environment. This setup allowed the participants to conduct the tests on their computers from any location, ensuring that the experiment took place in real-world environments.

The dataset contains 10 994 keystroke patterns captured between October 2nd to November 17th, 2020. During the data collection, 66 participants were registered, with 59 % being male and 41 % female. The participants’ ages ranged from 19 to 23 years old, situating the population within the young adult generation.

The dataset files are stored in Mendeley Data cloud-based communal repository and are organized hierarchically within the main folder, “ul_kd_dataset,” as illustrated in Figure 1. This folder contains two subfolders, namely “1_raw” and “2_processed”. The former includes raw data exported directly from the MongoDB Atlas database used by the web application, while the latter consists of processed data derived from raw data. The “1_raw” subfolder contains two main files: “users” and “records.” The “users” file includes data of the participants registered for the experiments, who signed up and completed a form on the web portal. The “records” file encompasses all keystroke patterns produced by the participants. Within the “2_processed” subfolder, there is a file containing time vectors (referred to as features), which can be directly used for training and testing classification or authentication models. Each entity mentioned above is available in both CSV and JSON formats. A more detailed description of the content of each file is presented below.

Figure 1

Dataset Structure

The “users” file, as mentioned before, contains information related to the participants, including personal data, typing style requested during registration, as well as certain metadata captured during the account creation. Table 1 presents the file fields in detail.

Table 1

Structure of the users_encoded.csv File




System-generated unique user identifier.


User’s name.


User’s last name.


User’s age.


User’s email.


Username chosen by the user to perform the login tests on the system.


Password chosen by the user to perform the login tests on the system.


National identity card.


Boolean value indicating whether a fixed password was imposed at the time of registration. “True” indicates a fixed password; “False” indicates a variable password.


User’s gender.


User’s dominant hand.


Boolean value indicating if the user is experiencing motor issues with their hands.


User’s registration date in the system.


User’s IP address at the time they registered in the system.


Browser agent used to log into the system.

The “records” file includes keystroke samples made by users during the conducted experiments. Each pressed and released key was recorded in the dataset along with the associated timestamp at the time the participants entered their “username” and “password”. Additionally, metadata of data collection sessions was stored, providing context for the tests conducted by each participant. Table 2 presents the details of each field in the file.

Table 2

Structure of the records_encoded.csv File




System-generated unique record identifier.


A collection of keystroke events recorded during the input of the username, specifically when the key was pressed, including both the pressed key and the corresponding timestamp.


A collection of keystroke events recorded during the input of the username, specifically when the key was released, including both the released key and the corresponding timestamp.


A collection of keystroke events recorded during the input of the password, specifically when the key was pressed, including both the pressed key and the corresponding timestamp.


A collection of keystroke events recorded during the input of the password, specifically when the key was released, including both the released key and the corresponding timestamp.


Identity of the user who created the credentials displayed in the session.


Identity of the user who owns the records of the current sample.


Date the sample record was created.


The user must perform three authentication cycles per session. This integer value indicates the index.


Users could make mistakes when typing. This Boolean value indicates whether the user correctly typed the credentials displayed on the screen the first time.


Username of the associated record.


Password of the associated record.


User’s IP address at the time they registered in the system.


Browser agent used to log into the system.


Unique token generated within the user’s browser the first time they perform the login tests. This token can be used to detect if the same computer is used by the user to perform the tests.

In the “processed_features” file, features are generated from the difference between the captured and stored keystroke events and the raw data. Four time vectors were generated, namely ppTime, rrTime, prTime, and rpTime. Additionally, a final vector, which is a concatenation of these previous ones, is included. These vectors can be used to train and develop keystroke recognition models. Table 3 presents a detailed structure of the file.

Table 3

Structure of the processed_features.csv File




System-generated unique processed_features identifier.


Identity of the user who created the credentials displayed in the session.


Identity of the user who owns the records of the current sample.


Users could make mistakes when typing. This Boolean value indicates whether the user correctly typed the credentials displayed on the screen the first time.


Password of the associated record.


Time vector generated by the difference in timestamps between two sequentially pressed keys.


Time vector generated by the difference in timestamps between two sequentially released keys.


Time vector generated by the difference in timestamps between one pressed key and one released key.


Time vector generated by the difference in timestamps between one released key and one pressed key.


Concatenation of the four vectors (ppTime + rrTime + prTime + rpTime).


Length of the password.


Length of the vector created.


6.1 Experimental Design

The process to generate the dataset of keystroke samples is detailed in Figure 2. The first phase involved implementing the web tool from scratch and identifying all attributes that could be collected from users and that would be relevant to keystroke dynamics models. Once these attributes were mapped, the second phase involved building a system with a front-end and back-end to enable the collection of these attributes. In the third phase, users who wished to participate voluntarily in the experiment were recruited and instructed to register on the web portal by filling out a form. After registration, users were required to access the web page on alternate days and complete a series of login tests displayed on the screen throughout the session. During these tests, every key pressed and released was captured as they entered the username and password. At the end of the session, all captures, which were stored locally, were sent to the service for subsequent storage. The collection phase lasted from October 2nd to November 17th, 2020, involving 66 users and recording a total of 10 994 records. The final stage involved generating the features that could be used in keystroke dynamics models.

Figure 2

Methodology Design

6.2 Materials

The collection system was implemented using web-based technology. The built solution, which includes both the front-end and back-end, is shown Figure 3.

Figure 3

Architecture of the Web Tool

The front-end, the visual layer where the end user interacts with the platform via a browser, was implemented using templates developed with the PUG library (version 3.0.0), JavaScript, and CSS. All screens incorporate these three components and are rendered on the back-end, then sent to the browser each time the user accesses the website URL. The logic for capturing keystrokes in the browser was written in JavaScript, the structural aspects of the web page were handled in HTML/PUG, and the visual design was crafted with CSS.

The back-end was developed in JavaScript using the Express library (version 4.17.1) and deployed on the Heroku cloud platform in a Node.js runtime environment. Different endpoints were created for each screen outlined in the user flow designed for keystroke capture sessions. When a user completes the capture flow, the front-end sends all records to the back-end, where they are received, processed, and stored in the database. Interaction with the non-relational MongoDB Atlas database was facilitated by the Mongoose library (version 5.10.5). Additionally, an email service using Mailgun was implemented to notify users of the proper storage of their session data.

Due to the unstructured nature of the keystroke capture records, a document-oriented non-relational database was chosen for storage. The MongoDB Atlas cloud was used to deploy the MongoDB Atlas database. Data was exported to monitor progress and maintain backups. The document structure used in the database is described in the Data Description section. The code used for the solution is provided in Appendix 6.

After the sampling period, various features were generated to form time vectors used for model training, including: the “down-down key feature,” “down-up key feature,” “up-down key feature,” “up-up key feature,” “hold time,” and “total time.” The first four features involve latency between different pressed keys, either when they are pressed (“down”) or released (“up”). “Hold time” refers to the duration a single key is pressed, while “total time” encompasses the entire time taken to type a word. Classification models cannot directly process the raw data generated by the tool as it only captures the timestamp when a key is pressed and released. To make this dataset usable, the raw data is processed to generate the aforementioned features. Figure 4 illustrates the generation of these time vectors, capturing both the “down” (td) and “up” (tu) events for each key. The latencies or differences between these events allow for the construction of user-specific vectors that will subsequently be used in the models. These features were generated using a Python script, which is also available in the GitHub repository mentioned in the Appendix 7.

Figure 4

Procedure to Generate Time-Based Latency Features

6.3 Methods

Figure 5 shows the interaction flow proposed during the experimental design phase. The web tool was implemented to ensure that users could follow the proposed flow. The complete screen flow is detailed in the appendices.

Figure 5

User Interaction Flowchart

Each week, users were required to complete at least two sessions, spaced on alternate days, to prevent “over-familiarity” with typing patterns while still allowing for user variability to be recorded. Each session consisted of three tasks, which the user performed three times, as depicted in Figure 5. In the first task, the legitimate user logged in to the system with their own username and password (either self-selected or assigned, depending on the group). Subsequently, they proceeded to a second and third screen where they typed the username and password of another randomly selected user three times. Once this flow was completed, the user logged out and repeated the process two more times. It is worth mentioning that for each entry to be considered valid, the user had to input the credentials correctly on the first attempt, with no corrections allowed, such as using the backspace key to retype. The session ended when the tool recorded the required number of correct samples according to the proposed methodology. Regarding invalid samples, they were also stored as part of the dataset, as the errors could be considered features related to the user’s identity and could be useful in future analyses. The data collection period lasted six weeks; however, the tool continued to capture samples beyond this period.


In this experiment, part of the methodology involved sequentially typing the phrase that appeared on the screen three times and then repeating this process two more times. While this ensured more than 10 records per session, the experimental design, which included multiple writing sessions per user, may have introduced a bias in the data due to the repetitive nature of the tasks. This might lead to users learning and adjusting their writing patterns as the experiment progresses.


Following the ethical publishing guidelines provided by Elsevier and Data in Brief, the following key ethical aspects were considered:

Human Studies: All users participated voluntarily in the experiment and were informed about both the session dynamics and the intended use of the collected data. They provided a consent by filling out a form.


Data resources can be found in the following link: https://data.mendeley.com/preview/9cg3c8jkh8?a=f4e49f3e-b689-4b6c-95a3-3bf5207d1935


Aron Lo Li was responsible for the conceptualization and execution of the experiments. Juan Gutiérrez-Cárdenas played an active advisory role across all project stages. Victor H. Ayma assisted in shaping and enhancing the proposed methodology.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. We thank the editor, reviewers, and all participants for their involvement and contributions to this research endeavor.


The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationship that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


Giot, R., El-Abed, M., & Rosenberger, C. (2009). GREYC keystroke: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems. In 2009 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2009), Washington D.C., United States, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/BTAS.2009.5339051

Killourhy, K. S., & Maxion, R. A. (2009). Comparing anomaly-detection algorithms for keystroke dynamics. In 2009 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks, Lisbon, Portugal, 125–134. https://doi.org/10.1109/DSN.2009.5270346

14. Appendices

Appendix 1

User Account Creation Screen

Appendix 2

Legitimate User Login Screen (Task 1)

Appendix 3

First Screen for Logging in as an Imposter User (Task 2)

Appendix 4

Second Screen for Logging in as an Imposter User (Task 3)

Appendix 5

Third Screen for Logging in as an Imposter User (Task 3)

Appendix 6

Source Code of the Web Tool Implemented for Dataset Generation


Appendix 7

Source Code of the Keystroke Dynamics Models
