Recibido: 25/5/2022 / Aceptado: 8/6/2022
A distributed model for computing 3d mesh local descriptors based on k-rings
Franci Suni-Lopez / ORCID: 0000-0002-4212-7910
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru
Jan Hurtado / ORCID: 0000-0003-3422-3117
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru
Alejandra Márquez
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru
Leonardo Guzmán
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru
In order to facilitate 3D object processing, it is common to use high-level representations such as local descriptors that are usually computed using defined neighborhoods. K-rings, a technique to define them, is widely used by several methods. In this work, we propose a model for the distributed computation of local descriptors over 3D triangular meshes, using the concept of k-rings. In our experiments, we measure the performance of our model on huge meshes, evaluating the speedup, the scalability, and the descriptor computation time. We show the optimal configuration of our model for the cluster we implemented and the linear growth of computation time regarding the mesh size and the number of rings. We used the Harris response, which describes the saliency of the object, for our tests.
KEYWORDS: 3D local descriptor / geometry processing / distributed computing /
large meshes
Un modelo distribuido para calcular descriptores locales de malla 3D
basados en k-rings
Para facilitar el procesamiento de objetos 3D, es común utilizar representaciones de alto nivel, como los descriptores locales que generalmente se calculan utilizando vecindarios definidos. K-rings es una técnica para definirlos y es ampliamente utilizada por varios métodos. En este trabajo, proponemos un modelo para el cálculo distribuido de descriptores locales sobre mallas triangulares 3D, utilizando el concepto de anillos k. En nuestros experimentos, medimos el rendimiento de nuestro modelo en mallas enormes, evaluando la aceleración, la escalabilidad y el tiempo de cálculo del descriptor. Mostramos la configuración óptima de nuestro modelo para el clúster que implementamos y el crecimiento lineal del tiempo de cálculo con respecto al tamaño de la malla y el número de anillos. Usamos la respuesta de Harris, que describe la prominencia del objeto, para nuestras pruebas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: descriptor local 3D / procesamiento geométrico / computación distribuida / mallas grandes
3D repositories are growing rapidly (Gao et al., 2015) and, consequently, there are many techniques for 3D data acquisition (e.g. 3D modeling, 3D scanners, 3D reconstruction, depth-sensing cameras, etc.). In this context, processing this type of data is an important task for computer scientists. For instance, areas such as videogames, medicine, archeology, biology, engineering, physics, and others use this kind of data for real object representation. There are some tasks that are very important for 3D data analysis: registering (Pavlakos et al., 2018; Maquart et al., 2021; O’ Sullivan et al., 2022; Van Kaick et al., 2011; Li et al., 2015), symmetry detection (Mitra et al., 2013; Areias & Rabczuk, 2017), segmentation (Figueiredo et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2017), sampling and compression. These tasks depend on the representation of the object; a 3D object can be represented by point clouds, polygon meshes, polygon soups, connectivity graphs, volumetric pixels (voxels), etcetera (low-level representations). To facilitate processing, it is common to use high-level representations such as descriptors, graphs, skeletons, key points, components, etc.
In this paper, we focus on local descriptor representation. A local descriptor is usually defined on each atomic structure of low-level representations; we use polygon mesh representations and their vertices as atomic structures (i.e., we work on triangular meshes). Usually, when computing local descriptors, it is necessary to establish the neighborhood of each vertex of the mesh. This neighborhood allows us to define local features. For example, if we want to define the curvature of a single vertex, it is not necessary to know the distribution of all vertices. Gelfand et al. (2005) proposed the Integral Volume Descriptor, which evaluates the curvature of a region of the surface immersed in a sphere (determines the neighborhood) of a given radius. Lee et al. (2005) proposed a descriptor based on the mean curvature. Gaussian filters are used in different scales to obtain the saliency value of each vertex. They determine neighborhoods using geodesic or Euclidean distance on the mesh. Then, Castellani et al. (2008) applied the Gaussian filter directly to the points of the object instead of the values.
Another way to determine a neighborhood is using the concept of rings. Zaharescu et al. (2009) proposed a descriptor based on the discrete curvature; they defined neighborhoods to obtain the approximate curvature, these neighborhoods were composed by the set of the k-level adjacent vertices of each vertex. Sipiran and Bustos (2011) implemented a technique called Harris 3D, which is based on the corner detection technique proposed by Harris and Stephens (Harris & Stephens, 1988).
They compute the Harris response for each point regarding a locality conformed by different rings; also, they approximate a continuous surface for this locality and transform it using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to address rotation invariance. The saliency is computed evaluating the derivatives on the surface.
It is possible to generate high definition meshes with millions of vertices. For example, the digital Michelangelo project (Levoy et al., 2000), has meshes with more than 900 million faces. Using a sequential model to process large meshes involves considerable computation time. Multi-thread and GPU based algorithms are very useful when we want to speed up this task. The other problem we want to solve when working with large meshes is the insufficient memory space. Sometimes this problem is addressed using compact data structures for space optimization (Chen et al., 2009; Zamolo et al., 2022; Herath et al., 2020; Cignoni et al., 2003; Aleardi et al., 2005; Gurung et al., 2011; Luffel et al., 2014; Gurung et al., 2013; Rocca et al., 2011), but it decreases processing speed.
Distributed data processing is a computer-networking method in which multiple computers across different locations share computer-processing capability with all connected systems. That is the reason why distributed models have been widely used in different areas of computer science, taking advantage of the reduction of processing time when working on a distributed manner. The distributed paradigm has been addressed in many works concerning image processing (Le Tien et al., 2021; Verma et al., 2018; Squyres et al., 2000; Prajapati & Vij, 2011; Warn et al., 2009), video processing (Pereira et al., 2010), molecular data analysis (Gurung et al., 2011), etc. In the case of 3D data processing, there are multiple frameworks for specific tasks. Balman (2006) proposed a distributed method for non-uniform triangular mesh refinement. Vo et al. (2011) used a MapReduce model for 3D data visualization. Cabiddu and Attene (2015) proposed a web-based system for the generally distributed processing of triangular meshes.
Determining the locality or neighborhood is commonly associated with the k nearest neighbors (kNN) problem. Sankaranarayanan et al. (2007) proposed an extension of their previous work for distributed processing; they used large point clouds for their experiments and calculated the nearest neighbors using Euclidean distance. We can use this to estimate a neighborhood, but the problem of a Euclidean range search is that we can get wrong results if two different parts of the mesh are very close regarding this metric and very far following the topological structure. That is why it is important to define a geodesic metric. The easiest way to discretize it is using adjacency level distance. This will be explained later (k-rings).
In this work, we propose a distributed model for computing 3D triangular mesh local descriptors based on k-rings. We consider a multi-process architecture to address parallel processing and a distributed disk storage for insufficient memory capacity problems. We implemented this model using MPI and applied the Harris response descriptor on it (Sipiran & Bustos, 2011). We conducted several experiments to obtain an optimal configuration for our cluster. Also, we evaluated the speedup, the scalability, and the descriptor computation time.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we explain how to represent a 3D object, how to define a descriptor, how to define a neighborhood, and how the Harris response works. The proposed model is explained in section 3; each step is presented in detail here. We explain our experiments and show our results in section 4. Finally, in section 5, we present our conclusions and future work.
A 3D object can be formally represented as a 2-manifold. Discretizing, we can represent it as a triangular mesh. A triangular mesh is composed by a set of vertices and a set of faces (triangles) . The faces define the connectivity of the vertices, this representation preserves geometric and topological features. A point-wise descriptor is a function , that describes all the object; these kinds of descriptors work independently on each vertex and its locality. First, we must compute the neighborhood and then the descriptor values. Each neighborhood can be defined using the concept of k-rings (an example of this concept is shown in figure 1, used by Sipiran and Bustos (2011).
Figure 1
Note. White: evaluated vertex. Blue: 1-ring. Red: 2-ring. Green: 3-ring. Adapted from Harris 3D: a robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes by I. Sipiran & B. Bustos, 2011, The Visual Computer, 27 (
A k-ring is defined as follows:
We assume that the length of the edges is one. A neighborhood with radius equal to k is the set formed by the union of all rings with radius . Formally we have:
2.1 Harris 3D
In our experiments, we use the Harris response to get our results. Harris response is a local point-wise descriptor that uses neighborhoods to get the saliency value of each vertex. Given a neighborhood N of a vertex , defined using the concept of k-rings, it is possible to approximate a surface. To address rotation invariance, a fitting plane is computed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The neighborhood is rotated with respect to the normal of this plane. Sipiran & Bustos (2011) fit a quadratic surface to the set of transformed vertices. This surface has the following form:
Then, with this continuous surface, the derivatives can be calculated on the vertex by:
To avoid noise problems, these authors propose continuous Gaussian functions that can be expressed as follows:
With these terms, the matrix E is defined:
The Harris response is computed by:
Where q is a constant.
In this paper, we introduce a distributed model for 3D mesh local descriptor computation. The cluster executes in parallel the same tasks with different data and different parameters. First, we define a neighborhood based on k-rings; using this technique, it is necessary to find different levels of adjacency (0-k levels). The adjacent vertices, which make up the neighborhood, are necessary to compute the descriptor.
Figure 2
Workflow of the proposed algorithm
Note. Adapted from Harris 3D: a robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes, by I. Sipiran & B. Bustos, 2011, The Visual Computer, 27, (
We address two problems: insufficient memory capacity and parallel processing. To solve the first one, our method uses disk I/O operations for final and temporal data, which is helpful for partial results storage. These operations are executed in parallel, on each node of the cluster. The second one is solved using a multi-process architecture. Our model consists of seven steps. The input is a 3D triangular mesh and the output, its respective descriptor. 1) Mesh replication: distributes the mesh file. 2) Vertex partitioning: regular partitioning using appearance order. 3) Coordinate storage and replication: extracts coordinates from mesh file and replicates them on each cluster node. 4) 0-ring storage: the 0-ring is integrated by the evaluated vertex. 5) 1-ring computation and replication: the 1-ring is integrated by the adjacent vertices, and it is replicated on all the cluster. 6) K-ring computation: the k-ring is computed using the (k-1)-ring, the (k-2)-ring and the 1-ring. 7) Descriptor computation and storage: using the computed rings we can load the coordinates for descriptor computation. The workflow of our model is shown in figure 2.
The mesh replication step replicates the mesh input file on each node of the cluster (a node can have multiple processes). Each process reads the same file, which has a set of vertices (with their respective coordinates) and a set of faces (triangles). The vertices are not sorted or clustered, so we can’t split them by proximity. In the next step, the set of vertices is partitioned according to their order of appearance. These partitions are assigned to each process. Then, we must store two types of data: global data and local data. The global data is replicated on each node of the cluster, and the local data is stored in the corresponding node.
The 0-ring and the coordinates can be loaded at the same time. In a typical mesh file, the coordinates of each vertex are located at the top. These coordinates are replicated (global data) and will be useful for descriptor computation. The 0-ring is integrated by the vertices that have 0 distance from the source, therefore the 0-ring is conformed only by the evaluated vertex. In the mesh file each triangle is represented by the indices of the three vertices that conform it. We use that information to compute the 1-ring of each vertex and then replicate this information all over the cluster (global data). This ring is replicated because we have to access it several times for the computation of the following rings.
In our implementation, we compute and store the coordinates, the 0-ring and the 1-ring before doing the replication process. Each node of the cluster generates files for their corresponding partitions. We execute one process for each partition and each process is composed by sequential steps depending on the memory usage we want. Support data structures are used to optimize the computation time. Each node executes its processes in parallel. When this task is finished, the coordinates and the 1-ring are replicated all over the cluster.
The next step is the computation of the k-rings. We make use of the 1-ring to obtain the adjacent vertices of a specific vertex. If we are computing the k-ring, we need to access to the (k-1)-ring and (k-2)-ring. We use the first one in order to get the adjacent vertices of the previous ring (external ring). And the second one because the adjacent vertices we select should not be in the rings that have already been computed. We use data structures to speed up this step. As in the previous steps, we assign a process for each partition and use sequential steps depending on the memory usage. We compute the k-rings sequentially regarding the partitions. Figure 3 shows in detail the algorithm used in this step .
Figure 3
Algorithm of computation of k-ring
Note. Adapted from Harris 3D: a robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes by I. Sipiran & B. Bustos, 2011, The Visual Computer, 27, (
Given the set of rings and the coordinates, we can define a neighborhood and the descriptor values. In the same way as in a single ring computation of the k-rings, we load the coordinates instead of the adjacent vertices. For each partition, the corresponding descriptor is computed regarding the vertices involved. The result consists of files storing the descriptor values of each vertex of the mesh.
We implemented a cluster of ten computers, each with the following specifications: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS OS, Intel Core i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz x8 processor architecture and 8 Gb of RAM. We did several tests to obtain an optimal configuration of the number of processes and steps. For testing reasons, we generated uniform plane meshes of different sizes. Also, we used 3D models which were directly obtained from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository1, the AIM@SHAPE Shape Repository2 and the GIT Large Geometry Models Archive3. These models are shown in figure 4.
Figure 4
Models used for the experiments
Note. The models were obtained from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository, the AIM@SHAPE Shape Repository, and the GIT Large Geometry Models Archive. (a) Skeleton Hand. (b) Dragon. (c) Happy Buddha. (d) Turbine Blade. (e) Neptune. (f) Lucy.
Figure 5
Execution time and speed up obtained over a mesh with 16 million vertices using different number of processes
Note. Blue: total time/speedup of k-rings computation. Red: time/speedup of coordinates and (0,1)-ring computation. Green: time/speedup of (2-k)-ring computation.
4.1 Speedup
First, using a mesh conformed by 16 million vertices we calculated the execution time of the coordinates and (0-k)-ring computation for different number of processes. This task is the critical part in our implementation. In the case of the coordinates and (0,1)-ring computation, we obtained better results using one step for all number of processes except when we used only one. This occurred since we didn’t have enough memory capacity. For the (2-k)-ring computation we calculated an optimal number of steps depending on the number of processes used. Here we did not consider the computation time of the descriptor because the process of extracting the neighborhoods is very similar to a single ring computation and calculating the values for each neighborhood will depend on the descriptor we choose. In table 1 we show the total and partial execution times for different number of processes. Also, we show the speedup obtained regarding the sequential implementation. In figure 5 (a) and 5 (b) we show the graphs obtained from the execution time values and the speedup values respectively. The optimal number of processes for the total computation time is 80. But in the case of coordinates and (0,1)-ring computation, the optimal number of processes is 20. This occurs because these steps don’t have too much processing cost.
4.2 Scalability
Using the optimal number of processes (80), we tested the task mentioned on the previous section on plane regular meshes of different sizes. The number of rings that we calculated was 18. The number of steps we used were selected according to the size of the mesh. In table 2 we show the number of vertices and the size of the meshes, the number of steps of each process, the size of the computed data (rings and coordinates), and the total computation time. In figure 6 (a) we show the respective behavior. The graph shows that the growth is linear with respect to the number of vertices.
Figure 6
K-rings computation time using plane meshes of different sizes
Note. (b) shows the computation time of k-rings with 16 million of vertices and 80 processes.
We calculated the computation time for each ring over a regular plane mesh of 16 million vertices, using 80 processes. In table 3 we show the results from 2-Ring to 18-ring, and in figure 6(b) its respective graph. The growth regarding the number of rings is also linear.
Table 1
Results describing the execution time and speedup obtained using different number of processes over a mesh with 16 million vertices
Proc. |
Steps |
Coords + (0,1)- ring (s) |
(2-18)-ring (s) |
Total (s) |
Speedup |
1 |
25 |
130,083 |
50 849,972 |
50 980,055 |
1 |
2 |
18 |
43,023 |
7203,385 |
7246,408 |
7,035 |
5 |
16 |
44,918 |
3093,867 |
3138,785 |
16,242 |
10 |
15 |
29,118 |
1448,57 |
1477,688 |
34,5 |
20 |
14 |
17,057 |
931,066 |
948,123 |
53,769 |
40 |
14 |
31,782 |
588,037 |
619,819 |
82,25 |
80 |
13 |
34,834 |
371,161 |
405,995 |
125,568 |
120 |
11 |
63,030 |
385,741 |
448,771 |
113,559 |
Table 2
K-ring computation time using plane meshes of different sizes
Vertices |
Size (GB) |
Steps |
Data (GB) |
Time (s) |
1 million |
0,052 |
1 |
0,666 |
28,404 |
2 million |
0,109 |
2 |
1,5 |
52,492 |
4 million |
0,224 |
4 |
3,1 |
90,751 |
8 million |
0,454 |
7 |
4,8 |
151,881 |
16 million |
0,948 |
13 |
14 |
405,995 |
32 million |
2 |
20 |
28 |
1090,801 |
64 million |
4 |
30 |
56 |
2744,154 |
Table 3
Computation time in seconds of (1-18) – ring using 80 processes in a 16 million vertex plane mesh
Ring |
Time (s) |
Ring |
Time (s) |
Ring |
Time (s) |
2-ring |
4,856 |
8-ring |
19,367 |
14-ring |
33,587 |
3-ring |
6,927 |
9-ring |
20,677 |
15-ring |
33,567 |
4-ring |
9,649 |
10-ring |
23,472 |
16-ring |
36,394 |
5-ring |
11,523 |
11-ring |
24,840 |
17-ring |
41,592 |
6-ring |
14,564 |
12-ring |
27,583 |
18-ring |
42,052 |
7-ring |
15,557 |
13-ring |
29,920 |
4.3 Descriptor
In this test we calculated the execution times for all the tasks involved in the descriptor computation. We used the Harris response as a descriptor, which is in Sipiran & Bustos, (2011).
Table 4
K-ring based descriptor computation
Mesh |
# Vertices |
Size (GB) |
Replication (s) |
(2-10) – ring (s) |
Descriptor (s) |
Data size (GB) |
Total (s) |
Skeleton Hand |
327 323 |
0,020 |
1,084 |
3,800 |
1,101 |
0,091 |
9,7 |
Dragon |
437 645 |
0,029 |
1,504 |
4,109 |
1,939 |
0,153 |
14,449 |
Happy Buddha |
543 652 |
0,037 |
2,082 |
4,499 |
2,469 |
0,199 |
17,689 |
Turbine Blade |
882 954 |
0,037 |
2,267 |
5,771 |
2,806 |
0,254 |
19,74 |
Neptune |
2 003 932 |
0,150 |
6,736 |
10,445 |
8,774 |
0,626 |
55,552 |
Lucy |
1 402 7872 |
0,969 |
36,641 |
65,878 |
45,061 |
4,9 |
285,682 |
Plane (16) |
16 000 000 |
0,948 |
34,834 |
72,603 |
34.5 |
4,8 |
238,607 |
Plane (32) |
32 001 649 |
1,957 |
68,781 |
156,604 |
140,193 |
10,5 |
582,54 |
Plane (64) |
64 000 000 |
3,977 |
135,969 |
324,011 |
419,891 |
21,5 |
1533,345 |
The neighborhoods are conformed by rings with k ≤ 10. In the test we used six meshes obtained from the repositories we previously mentioned, and three plane meshes with different sizes. The results we obtained are shown in table 4. We show the name of the mesh, the number of vertices, the size of the mesh, the coordinates and (0,1)-ring execution time, the replication time, the (2-10)-ring execution time, the descriptor computation time, the size of the generated data, and the total time of the whole computation. Our implementation works better when the partition vertices are near, since less disk operations are needed to obtain the adjacent vertices and the coordinates.
The main contribution of this paper is the distributed computation of 3D mesh local descriptors based on the concept of k-rings. In our implementation, we work with three main resources: processors, RAM and hard disk. We have parameters that allow us to fix the usage of these resources. Getting an optimal configuration will also depend on the cluster features. Automating the selection of these parameters is a future work.
The partitioning method used on this model is very simple (appearance order), Using a smart partitioning, such as a Euclidean distance-based partitioning, would optimize the execution time. In that case, a preprocessing step is needed in order to obtain balanced partitions.
We showed that our method is scalable, so increasing the cluster capacity will decrease the execution time. Also, there are some operations that can be executed using GPU. This will reduce considerably the execution time of the descriptor computation. We can extend our model for the computation of local descriptors over point clouds. In that case, we would have to use spatial data structures and a Euclidean distance-based partitioning with overlapping.
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