Estadisticas Repositorio digital institucional - Revista Advocatus

A new visits is defined as each new incoming visitor (viewing or browsing a page) who was not connected to your site during last 60 mn.
Number of client hosts (IP address) who came to visit the site (and who viewed at least one page).
This data refers to the number of different physical persons who had reached the site.
Number of times a page of the site is viewed (Sum for all visitors for all visits).
This piece of data differs from "hits" in that it counts only HTML pages as oppose to images and other files.
Number of times a page, image, file of the site is viewed or downloaded by someone.
This piece of data is provided as a reference only, since the number of "pages" viewed is often prefered for marketing purposes.
This piece of information refers to the amount of data downloaded by all pages, images and files within your site.
Units are in KB, MB or GB (KiloBytes, MegaBytes or GigaBytes)
Awstats recognizes each access to your site after a search from the 1284 most popular Internet Search Engines and Directories (such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
List of all external pages which were used to link (and enter) to your site (Only the 10 most often used external pages are shown). Links used by the results of the search engines are excluded here because they have already been included on the previous line within this table.
This table shows the list of the most frequent keyphrases or keywords used to find your site from Internet Search Engines and Directories. (Keywords from the 1284 most popular Search Engines and Directories are recognized by Awstats, such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
Note that total number of searches for keywords might be greater than total number of searches for keyphrases (real number of searches) because when 2 keywords were used on same search, search is counted twice for keywords (once for each word).
Robots (sometimes refer to Spiders) are automatic computer visitors used by many search engines that scan your web site to index it and rank it, collect statistics on Internet Web sites and/or see if your site is still online.
Awstats is able to recognize up to 1068 robots.
All time related statistics are based on server time.
Here, reported data are: average values (calculated from all data between the first and last visit in analyzed range).
Here, reported data are: cumulative sums (calculated from all data between the first and last visit in analyzed range).
Some Visits durations are 'unknown' because they can't always be calculated. This is the major reason for this:
- Visit was not finished when 'update' occured.
- Visit started the last hour (after 23:00) of the last day of a month (A technical reason prevents Awstats from calculating duration of such sessions)
Worms are automatic computer visitors that are in fact external servers, infected by a virus, that try to make particular hits on your server to infect it. In most cases, such worms exploit some bugs of not up to date or commercial servers. If your system is not the sensitive target of the worm, you can simply ignore those hits.
There is very few 'server worms' in the world but they are very active at some times. Awstats is able to recognize 0 known worm's signatures (nimda,code red,...).
No description for this error.
Request was understood by server but will be processed later.
Server has processed the request but there is no document to send.
Partial content.
Requested document was moved and is now at another address given in answer.
No description for this error.
Syntax error, server didn't understand request.
Tried to reach an URL where a login/password pair was required.
A high number within this item could mean that someone (such as a hacker) is attempting to crack, or enter into your site (hoping to enter a secured area by trying different login/password pairs, for instance).
Tried to reach an URL not configured to be reachable, even with an login/password pair (for example, an URL within a directory not defined as "browsable".).
Tried to reach a non existing URL. This error often means that there is an invalid link somewhere in your site or that a visitor mistyped a certain URL.
Server has taken too much time to respond to a request. This error frequently involves either a slow CGI script which the server was required to kill or an extremely congested web server.
Internal error. This error is often caused by a CGI program that had finished abnormally (coredump for example).
Unknown requested action.
Code returned by a HTTP server that works as a proxy or gateway when a real, targeted server doesn't answer successfully to the client's request.
Internal server error.
Gateway Time-out.
HTTP Version Not Supported.
Last Update: 24 Apr 2024 - 05:15Awstats Web Site
Reported period:

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Keyphrases used on search engines  
294 different keyphrasesSearchPercent
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sunafil mineria50.8 %
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comente con sus propias palabras que es la norma procesal penal y como es su aplicacion en el tiempo y espacio de acuerdo al codigo procesal penal peruano de 2004?40.6 %
https // ~ text=considera%20que%20la%20convenci%c3%b3n%20es voluntades%20destinado%20a%20crear%20obligaciones.40.6 %
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violencia de género en pandemia40.6 %
la inteligencia artificial en el derecho peruano40.6 %
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inteligencia artificial en el derecho40.6 %
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desafios q pasan peruanos en el extranjero30.5 %
nulidad y fin ilicito30.5 %
https // ~ text=en%20simple%2c%20el%20derecho%20consular algunos%20de%20sus%20intereses%20pol%c3%adticos%2c30.5 %
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la comunidad lgbt peru30.5 %
https // ~ text=art%c3%adculo%203. y%20ejercicio%20de%20sus%20derechos.&text=no%20todo%20ser%20humano%20es a%20partir%20de%20su%20nacimiento.30.5 %
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gastón acurio biografia30.5 %
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falsa atribución de paternidad30.5 %
programas de cumplimiento30.5 %
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texto científico contaminación marítima30.5 %
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perdida de la identidad20.3 %
177-ip-201620.3 %
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https // ~ text=regulada%20en%20la%20ley%20n cumplido%20can%20designar%20al%20%c3%a1rbitro.20.3 %
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https // ~ text=los%20elementos%20accidentales%20 o%20modalidades cumplir%c3%a0%20en%20un%20plazo%20determinado .20.3 %
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terminación de contrato de distribución20.3 %
https // ~ text=es%20decir%2c%20persuadir%20significa%20lograr pre%2d%20tendida%20por%20el%20persuasor.20.3 %
diferencia entre tuo y ley20.3 %
deportación extradición diferencias#ip=120.3 %
deberes secundarios de conducta20.3 %
articulo 920 codigo civil peru20.3 %
ia y el derecho20.3 %
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https // ~ text=es%20el%20criterio%20que%20busca %2c%20sistem%c3%a1tica%2c%20dogm%c3%a1tica%2c%20etc.20.3 %
objetos de derecho20.3 %
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tesis sobre la comunidad lgbt peru20.3 %
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discriminacion a la comunidad lgbt peru20.3 %
sociedad ganancial sueldo20.3 %
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consecuencias coexistencia de marcas20.3 %
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economía del comportamiento más de 4 autores20.3 %
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covid género personas adultas mayores20.3 %
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operadores del comercio exterior peru20.3 %
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rebeldía en proceso civil20.3 %
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la seguridad dentro de las aduanas20.3 %
ciberseguridad y protección de datos20.3 %
https // ~ text=a %20presencia%20de%20alcohol%20en de%20conducir%20por%202%20a%c3%b1os.20.3 %
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bien mueble20.3 %
https // ~ text=la%20ley%20prescribe%20que%20se a%20trav%c3%a9s%20de%20la%20educaci%c3%b3n.20.3 %
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https // ~ text=el%20articulo%201351%20del%20codigo extinguir%20una%20relaci%c3%b3n%20juridica%20patrimonial%22.20.3 %
influencers en publicidad20.3 %
https // ~ text=conceptualmente%20las%20rentas%20de%20capital generar%20ingresos%20en%20forma%20peri%c3%b3dica.20.3 %
https // ~ text=la%20presidente%20de%20la%20rep%c3%bablica t%c3%a9rmino%20de%20su%20periodo%20constitucional%20.20.3 %
participación de agentes económicos aduanas20.3 %
presión de los medios ce comunicación20.3 %
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https // ~ text=la%20prohibici%c3%b3n%20de%20fraccionamiento%20a riguroso%20a%20otro%20m%c3%a1s%20simple%22.10.1 %
https // ~ text=por%20otro%20lado%2c%20carlos%20larios desarrollo%20de%20la%20convivencia%20internacional%e2%80%9d.10.1 %
“gender based violence” or “gender-based violence” or uxoricide or “dowry death” or “violência de gênero” or “violencia de género” or “partner violence” or “intimate partner violence” or “dating violence” or “dating violence” or “violência por parceiro Íntimo” or “violencia de pareja” or femicides or feminicídios and “2019-ncov infection” or “covid-19” or “2019 ncov infection” or “sars-cov-2 infection” or “sars cov 2 infection” or “2019 novel coronavirus disease” or “2019 novel coronavirus infection” or “covid-19 virus infection” or “covid-19 virus infections” or “coronavirus disease 2019” or “coronavirus disease-19” or “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection” or “covid-19 virus disease” or “sars coronavirus 2 infection” or “2019-ncov disease” or “2019 ncov disease” or “covid-19 pandemic” or “covid 19 pandemic” or “covid-19 pandemics” or pandemics or pandemias or “natural disasters” or “natural disaster” and female or women or girls or girl or woman or “women’s groups” or “women groups” or mulheres or mujeres10.1 %
casos en el peru contrato de suministro10.1 %
cámara gesel10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20sociedad%20como%20una%20agregaci%c3%b3n conclusi%c3%b3n.10.1 %
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compliance program españa10.1 %
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www.comunidad gay busca hombre10.1 %
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https // ~ text=las%20importaciones%20paralelas%20constituyen%20un derecho%20para%20la%20finalidad%20mercantil.10.1 %
tesis sobre la responsabilidad civil del prooveedor por productos defectuosos10.1 %
https // ~ text=la%20constituci%c3%b3n%20de%201993%20establece de%20su%20otorgamiento%20a%20particulares.10.1 %
principio de celeridad ejemplos10.1 %
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auge plataformas de streaming10.1 %
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https // ~ text=toda%20persona%20tiene%20capacidad%20jur%c3%addica y%20ejercicio%20de%20sus%20derechos.10.1 %
https // ~ text=son%20aquellas%20normas%20de%20procedimiento extrinsecos%2c%20de%20los%20actos%20procesales.10.1 %
el actual contexto ambiental en el peru la nueva ley forestal y de fauna silevstte10.1 %
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https // ~ text=%e2%80%9cla%20deuda%20tributaria%20podr%c3%a1%20compensarse constituya%20ingreso%20de%20una%20misma10.1 %
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ensayo de violencia de genero en perú10.1 %
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zaint vs olson levantamiento del velo societario10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20daci%c3%b3n%20en%20pago%2c%20para prestaci%c3%b3n%20primitiva%20por%20una%20nueva.10.1 %
https // ~ text=por%20el%20contrario%2c%20el%20objeto que%20no%20se%20puede%20edificar.10.1 %
control de la casa matriz a la filial acciones10.1 %
https // ~ text=su%20finalidad%20es%20evitar%20los fin%20de%20diferir%20los%20ingresos.10.1 %
dificultades procesales de los derechos difusos ambientales10.1 %
https // ~ text=el%20derecho%20difuso%20por%20excelencia del%20orden%20p%c3%bablico%22%2c%20etc.10.1 %
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contrato de convenio de confidencialidad10.1 %
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artículos científicos sobre fideicomisos bancarios10.1 %
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peru problema ley de aduanas10.1 %
https // ~ text=la%20mora%20por%20intimaci%c3%b3n%2c%20conocida que%20tacitamente%20prorrogando%20el%20plazo.10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20extradici%c3%b3n%20s%c3%b3lo%20es%20concedida genocidio%2c%20magnicidio%20ni%20el%20terrorismo.10.1 %
crowdfunding problems perú10.1 %
violencia de género en peru estadisticas10.1 %
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control societario o empresarial va a estar relacionado10.1 %
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cómo fue el impacto de la ia en el derecho10.1 %
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equivalencia de las prestaciones10.1 %
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contratos coligados10.1 %
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https // ~ text=conforme%20lo%20hemos%20indicado%2c%20las por%20el%20criterio%20del%20devengado.10.1 %
patrimonialidad de la obligacaión10.1 %
behavioral economics dan ariely10.1 %
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control societario empresas asociadas cada matriz10.1 %
perito de parte en camara gessel10.1 %
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https // ~ text=las%20obligaciones%20pueden%20ser%20de pues%20consisten%20en%20una%20acci%c3%b3n.10.1 %
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culpa inteligencia artificial o humana?10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20interrupci%c3%b3n%20es%20un%20hecho que%20ya%20se%20hab%c3%ada%20generado.10.1 %
https // ~ text=la%20ley%2030407%20%e2%80%94%20ley%20de antecedentes.10.1 %
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ley general de la persona con discapacidad10.1 %
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https // ~ text=el%20art%c3%adculo%20985%20del%20c%c3%b3digo los%20bienes%20comunes%20entre%20copropietarios.10.1 %
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me adjudique por usucapion un inmueble que tiene un gravamen como le hago para cancelarlo10.1 %
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que es una acusación constitucional10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20promesa%20unilateral%20es%20un ha%20sido%20debidamente%20analizada%20por10.1 %
analiss y perspectivas de aistema de recuersos en el proceso penal perua o10.1 %
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frontera terrestre y marítima entre camerún y nigeria camerún vs nigeria guinea ecuatorial10.1 %
https // ~ text=la%20cortesia%20internacional%20o%20comily los%20hechos%20que%20rodean%20cada10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20%c3%a9poca%20de%20la%20adquisici%c3%b3n b.10.1 %
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dispute boards chile10.1 %
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coexistencia de marcas10.1 %
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cambios generador en estudiantes por culpa de la inteligencia artificial10.1 %
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el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la legislación laboral10.1 %
impacto de la inteligencia artificial en el derecho10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20prenda%20y%20la%20hipoteca%20son%20derechos%20reales%20de%20garantia una%20persona%20sobre%20ciertas%20cosas.10.1 %
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https // ~ text=no%20sean%20falsos.- 3. en%20confuntivas%2c%20alternativas%20y%20facultativas.10.1 %
extincion por motivos económicos ejemplos peru10.1 %
morales corrales p. g. . los servicios no personales y el empleo público10.1 %
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https // ~ text=el%20art%c3%adculo%20259%20de%20la el%20derecho%20de%20suscripci%c3%b3n%20preferente.10.1 %
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interrupción y suspensión de plazos10.1 %
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operadores del comercio exterior10.1 %
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violencia de género laboral peru10.1 %
extradicion españa10.1 %
la inteligencia artificial y el derecho10.1 %
sendero luminoso y mrta10.1 %
https // ~ text=de%20la%20persuasi%c3%93n- %3f sentimientos%20sobre%20algo%20o%20alguien.10.1 %
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patrimonialidad10.1 %
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https // ~ text=en%20definitiva%2c%20el%20principio%20de partes%20en%20un%20proceso%20dado.10.1 %
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https // ~ text=la%20prueba%20es%20la%20primera no%20existe%20fusticia%20sin%20verdad.10.1 %
cámara gesell10.1 %
del interes en los contratos y de la supuesta necesidad del valor patrimonial de las prestaciones obligatorias10.1 %
godhii xux10.1 %
https // ~ text=el%20articulo%201314%20prescribe%20que cumplimiento%20parcial%20tardio%20g%20defectuoso.10.1 %
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https // ~ text=ning%c3%ban%20empleado%20p%c3%bablico%20puede%20percibir por%20servicios%20prestados%20al%20estado.10.1 %
https // ~ text=de%20esta%20manera%20la%20lpag ser%20determinado%20en%20cuatro%20a%c3%b1os.10.1 %

Advanced Web Statistics 7.6 (build 20161204) - Created by awstats (plugins: hashfiles, graphgooglechartapi, tooltips, geoipfree)